About Us
The Model T Ford Club of Australia Inc. aims to encourage its members in the restoration and preservation of the Model T Ford and other veteran, vintage, and classic motor vehicles.
The club holds meetings, runs, and social events. We communicate with members and the community through this site, email, and a monthly newsletter, the Buzzer Box.

Our Story
One hundred years after Henry Ford was born, a group of young South Australian men, led by 19 year old Allen White, decided to try and form a club devoted to Henry Ford’s now famous Model “T”.

In the beginning
On the 30th June 1963, four students of the Norwood Boys Technical High School - Chris Marsh, John Scorgie, Jeff Potter and Nigel Merrett - decided to commemorate the centenary of Ford’s birth by driving the Model T’s they had restored, through the streets of Adelaide during their lunch period. The parade was very successful and delighted passers-by.
Allen White, encouraged by this enthusiasm, placed advertisements in the local and daily papers, and wrote many letters setting out his intention to form a car club for Model T’s. Many people responded to these advertisements and invitations for expressions of interest in forming a club.
At the end of 1963 and beginning of 1964, the formation of a club for the preservation and restoration of Model “T” Ford vehicles was set in motion
A meeting was held at the Avenues Hotel, Stepney on Thursday 6th February 1964 where approximately 25 people decided the newly formed club should be named "THE MODEL T FORD CLUB OF AUSTRALIA".
60 years on, we thank those people as we all still enjoy preserving and driving our Model T’s, participating in Annual runs, monthly runs and National rallies.

The first 25 years - 1989

50 years - 2014

60 years on
Moved into new clubrooms - still going strong.

Adam Jones joined in 2003
Awarded life membership in 2022.
Owns 3 vintage cars, including his 1921 Model T Ford.

Vice- President
Ian Russell. The Russell family first joined the club in 1972, Ian was only days old when he attended his first club run. He now drives the 1922 Tourer along with wife Kelly on most club runs.​

Maxine Martin- The Martin family have been active members of the club since 1965. Maxine held the secretary position since 2014 with a short break.

Merawyn Perry joined the T Club in the early 90’s and has been a committee member on various committees. She enjoy the various activities including the monthly car runs and friendship of fellow members

Public Officer
Mik Bojko has been a valuable committee member since first joining the club more than 40 years ago, his continuous service saw him awarded life membership in 2008.​​​

Committee Member
David Carver joined the club in 1974.
David has been a member of the committee continuously for 45 years, holding a variety of positions. David enjoys driving my Model T regularly.

Committee Member
Albert Jones was awarded life membership in 2012 for his services to the club.

Committee Member
John Eastick joined the club in 1993.
Has held many positions over the years, including President from 2007-2015.
He was awarded Life membership in 2014.
Proud owner of 1926 Model T Tourer.

Committee Member
Bob Yates has been an active member of the committee for the past 20+ years, he was awarded life membership in 2022. He also holds the position of Hiring Officer.

Committee Member
Matthew Edwards

Committee Member
Kingsley Taylor joined the club in 2016, he has been on the committee since 2017 and held the position of treasurer for 7 years.​​​

Tony Williams - 2020 - Current
Since September 2020, Tony is extremely proud to serve as Club Patron #4 in the history of our great Club. His aim as Patron is to share in the fun, laughter and friendship, as these are important pillars for maintaining one's wellbeing and a healthy lifestyle. He appreciates the values, history, and many social connections of our Club. He enthusiastically looks forward to being involved with the Club's members, with all their abilities and talents being applied to help our Club grow, thrive and prosper.
Audrey Sever - 2009 - 2020
Audrey along with husband Murray first joined the Model T Ford club in 1966. She held many positions within the club including Minute Secretary, a position she held for 13 years. Audrey was one of those people who had a bubbly infections personality, she would always be the first person to welcome new members into the club and to nurture them into becoming hardworking, established members themselves. Audrey was approached in July 2009 to take on the position as Patron, she was extremely proud to hold this position and be able to guide the club into the 20th century.

Sylvia Baker - Weir - 1989 - 2008
Sylvia first became interested in the Model T Ford and the club through her close association with Sir Lyell McEwen. Sylvia had known Sir Lyell since she was 8 years old and became not only his friend, but also his confident helper, guide and chauffeur. Upon the passing of Sir Lyell it was only fitting for Sylvia to follow in his footsteps and become the patron of our club. She held this position with passion and always had the Club at heart.
Sir Lyell McEwen - 1968 - 1988
On the 3rd August 1968, Sir Lyell was asked if he would honor us by accepting the position of Patron. From that day forth he took a keen interest in the club chairing our AGM and joining us each year on the Annual Run Sir Lyell was a prominent man in South Australia, he was knighted in 1954. In his field of health he will be remembered for the hospital bearing his name at Elizabeth—The Lyell McEwin Hospital Sir Lyell was many things to many people, he was a member of Parliament, but to the members of the Model T Ford Club he will be remembered for being a gracious and humble man, a loyal friend and a worthy Patron